Mario Drahgi has called for more integration and “sweeping powers” for the ECB to control fiscal policies and efforts to reform the Eurozone's economy. Is this “joined-up” thinking is a throw-back to the darkest days of the Euro crisis, when it became obvious that there was lack of cohesion between member states? Or is this a power grab by the ECB, using the interminable recession, as an excuse to take control of a “
fiscal and economic union”. Currently the ECB owns interest rates and sets budget targets (roundly ignored by all but Germany), in this new and enlightened world the EBC would like set tax rates and drive to through supply side reforms to drive productivity and competiveness.
Drahgi believes in the “importance of each country sticking to its commitments under the stability and growth pact “and that this should now be beyond debate”. He would like to go further by saying that in matter economic “sovereignty should be exercised jointly” – what a great line!! What are the things that could do with harmonisation?
Actual interest rates
Rates of business taxation
Minimum wages and hours of work
Actual spending limits (properly enforced)
Living in Harmony